Group’s Volunteer Workday to Stop Plant Invaders on Riverwalk Successful
Visitors to Jasper’s Riverwalk Saturday morning may have been surprised to see “Stop Plant Invaders!” on yard signs and to be watching volunteers wrestle with some tough vegetation. The Invasive Species Awareness Coalition of Dubois County (ISAC) reports that the volunteer workday held at Jasper’s Riverwalk on Saturday succeeded in removal of numerous invasive plants, including several hundred pounds of Asian bush honeysuckle, winter creeper, privet, multiflora rose and garlic mustard from the Riverwalk and the surrounding woodland park area. The plants that were removed are known for taking over natural areas, leaving little room for our native plants to thrive. The Jasper Park Department plans to chip and shred the removed woody debris to use for mulch. ISAC volunteers also planted native shrubs donated by Buschkoetter’s and Green Thumb nurseries in areas where non-native plants were removed.
Other planned ISAC activities are to have a booth and hold “Discover the Riverwalk” strolls at Old Jasper Day on May 22, and to hold a volunteer workday at another public property in Dubois County this fall. Anyone interested in receiving information or email updates of the group’s meetings and activities can contact Ron Rathfon at 812.678.5049 or
"Stop Plant Invaders! Volunteers Sarah Steltenpohl of Jasper, Russ Friedman of Huntingburg and Jamie Winner of Ferdinand work to remove invasive Asian bush honeysuckle from Jasper's Riverwalk on Saturday. 19 volunteers for the group Invasive Species Awareness Coalition of Dubois County removed hundreds of pounds of non-native vegetation in the three hour workday."