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Who are we?

SICIM, formally known as the Southern Indiana Cooperative Weed Management Area (SICWMA), was officially incorporated on August 12, 2008. Several non-profit groups saw a need to create a CWMA for Southern Indiana.  A number of public meetings across the area were held to gauge interest and set direction.  The consensus of these meetings was that a CWMA for Southern Indiana would be valuable and important – and that we should continue efforts to formalize a coalition.
Since then, many CWMAs have transitioned to the newer term CISMAs, or Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas, and began expanding to focus on a variety of invasive plant and animal species.  These groups are being formed across the U.S. as landowners, private groups and government agencies look for more effective ways to limit the growing economic and environmental damage caused by Invasive Species. Most CISMAs are coalitions of private and public organizations – sharing knowledge, people and other resources in an effort to improve public education, prevention and eradication/containment programs across a given geographic area.

In recent years, SICIM's goal has been to support the formation of local CISMAs within our 35 county region, most covering a single county (see our CISMAs & Funding section).  Starting in 2018, this effort also led to the development of our Indiana Invasives Initiative, where we are working with USDA-NRCS to create CISMAs across all of Indiana.  


Organizational Structure

SICIM is composed of a steering committee and four subcommittees staffed by dedicated volunteers from Central and Southern Indiana.  The Steering Committee meets bimonthly at the National Forest Office in Bedford or at another location in southern Indiana.  Subcommittees meet as needed.  SICIM employs a full time executive director and multiple regional specialists who are part of our Indiana Invasives Initiative.  



Ray Chattin, Indiana Assoc. of SWCDs, Knox County SWCD, Indiana State Soil Conservation Board

Cheryl Coon, US Forest Service - Economic Partnership Coordinator

John Hazlett, Marion County SWCD - District Manager

Donna Herum, Vanderburgh County CISMA

Andrea Huntington, Indiana Land Protection Alliance - Executive Director

George Manning, Ecologist

Jon Reese, Miami County SWCD Board

Anthony Sipes, IDNR - Division of State Parks - Chief of Natural Resources

Phil Woolery, Purdue Extension, Stark County & Pulaski County

Claire Lane,

Michael Mycroft,


Anthony Sipes, IDNR - Division of State Parks - Chief of Natural Resources

Judi Brown, Let the Sun Shine In - Director

Teena Ligman, Secretary, Lawrence County KIC 


Dana Risch


List of SICWMA/SICIM Chairs

Tom Tremain                                      2008-2012

Janet Eger                                          2013

Beth Mizell                                          2014

Ray Chattin                                         2015

Steve Cotter                                       2016

Steve Cotter                                       2017

Ray Chattin                                         2018

Will Drews                                         2019-2023

Troy Hinkle 2023-2024

Anthony Sipes current



Operations and Development – Cheryl Coon,

Finance Committee – Troy Hinkle,

Communication Committee –Steve Cotter,

Executive Committee – Anthony Sipes,


SICIM is looking for any new members to add to our Steering Committee or subcommittees. If you are interested, or would like to attend a meeting, please contact us:, 812-653-5563



SICIM Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM), along with our many partners, is an equal opportunity provider and employer, and we are proud to work with everyone we can all around the state. We support inclusion and racial equality and see the need to reach a diverse audience. Invasive species affect us all, and we need everyone to be part of the solution. We also welcome all people--regardless of race, ethnicity or religion--to get involved with our organization and help us move forward to protect our natural areas from the threat of invasive species.



SICIM annual reports


Local Support

Given the large area SICIM covers, local and regional partners provide the best knowledge and resources for the control and management of invasive species.  In many cases, local partners are existing organizations with landholdings in the area, or volunteer organizations with special interests in certain landscapes or species.  In other cases, SICIM helps organize new groups to address invasive species in a local area.  SICIM fosters cooperation and sharing of resources among our many partners organizations. 

Check back for an updated list of SICIM partners and supporters.  If your organization/agency is interested in joining the SICIM partnership, we invite you to contact us for more information at or 812-653-5563. 

Partial funding for SICIM is from USDA NRCS.  USDA and its partnering organizations are equal opportunity providers, employers, and lenders. 

contact us


(Mailing Address Only)

1919 Steven Ave

Bedford, IN 47421


SICIM currently employs Regional Specialists as part of our Indiana Invasives Initiative. The primary goal of these specialists is to assist current or developing CISMAs. They also can conduct invasive species education/outreach programs and landowner technical assistance as time and distance allows. Visit our Indiana Invasives Initiative page to learn more about this project and request FREE invasive species assistance.


Serving East Central Indiana


823 South Round Barn Rd, Suite 1

Richmond, IN 47374


Serving Northeast Indiana

(574) 527-0781

1919 Steven Ave

Bedford, IN 47421



Serving South Central Indiana


573 SE Main St

Paoli, IN 47454


Serving West Central Indiana


PO Box 124

New Goshen, IN 47863